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Welcome to the Road Ahead, where your journey begins..... 

Irlen Syndrome® , a visual perceptual dysfunction caused by the brain's inability to process certain spectrums of light

Present in approx 15-18% of the population.

Many conditions share symptoms and often occur together.

Check out Irlen syndrome ® initially with the self test on

Are you at the end of your tether seeking help, but getting nowhere? 

  • Do you or your child have Autism, ADHD, Asperger's, Tourette's, dyslexia, dyspraxia or hypermobility? 


  • Do you or your child have any symptoms of these disorders but your concerns have been dismissed by healthcare professionals, possibly because not ENOUGH symptoms are present?

  • Have you or your child undergone assessment but the findings have been inconclusive?


  • Does it seem that every specialist possible has failed to find out what is wrong?

  • Does your child often have supermarkets meltdowns?

      Contact me for a chat. I am an

      experienced screener registered with

      the Irlen Institute.

In line with current GDPR changes reports will be emailed to the parent or adult client and will not  be shared with a third party without permission. E-mail addresses for newsletter subscribers will only be used for that purpose and not shared with a third party.  Screening forms and collected information will be passed on to a diagnostician on parental request for further assessment purposes only. Photographs and  feedback will be used for promotional purposes following parental or client permission

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Irlen © coexists with






Ehlers Danlos


Irlen © causes

Difficulty driving

Poor judgement of distance

Light Sensitivity

Reading difficulty



(Copyright © 1998-2017 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen.  All rights reserved.)

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"I have known Juanetta for many years and found her to be an excellent screener. As a Family Liaison Officer in a primary school and as a parent of child with Irlen Syndrome I have been impressed with how she is able to put both children and adults at ease and guide them through the process. She has many years experience and knows exactly how to make the process easy. For anyone who might have Irlens I would recommend you get Juanetta to screen you and you never know it could change your life!."

We have been in communication for a while now, as I have a very anxious boy who has ASD., He attends mainstream and was doing ok,  He struggled trying to grasp reading  also struggling with writing things down (very ASD traits and now we know very Irlen traits too),

He started to have major anxiety issues with the new school building.The  behaviour within school deteriorated, anxiety and school refusa occuredl. We believed it to be a change of building and it now being two storey, Well after the conversations we had with the screener and my son he finally agreed to testing, Not sure who was more surprised his dad, Juanetta or I !!!! He was made to feel welcome, loved the carved animals she showed him (which actually started a conversation about the fact the finer details were 'fuzzy' ). She allowed him breaks to walk around, chat, even a bit of banter (which is unheard of recently). After the assessment we discovered he does have severe Irlen tendencies and on reflection the bright light, white classrooms, white tables, white corridors white hall and the lighting may have been a huge factor in his change of behaviour and heightened anxiety. We moved our other son who is doing much better but we will be having an assessment for him very soon . A very detailed report too. Thank you.

2023 The Road Ahead 

(Copyright © 1998-2017 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen.  All rights reserved.)

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