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Wake up at the back! Your child has Irlen syndrome.

Heard a heartwarming message this week from a care-giver of a child I screened.

They had had Irlen syndrome either suggested, or they had heard or seen of "The Road Ahead" from five different sources a GP, Speech Therapist, Pediatrician, Includes us 2 via FB and an Educational Specialist.

That feels like a real breakthrough to me.

Awareness is spreading. I will keep on promoting along with all the others. We know how amazingly Irlen filters work. How children and adults discover perception, 3D, leaves on the trees,whole faces. Lives are transformed, Irlen Syndrone co-exists with many other conditions including, dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD, ADHD, depression, fibromyalgia, ME hyper-mobility POTS, Ehlers Danlos

Sooner or later it will become usual procedure to check a child out for Irlen syndrome just as other health checks are standard in schools. Bring it on!

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