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Destiny "all dolled up" ~ The Road Ahead behind the scenes.

This is Destiny "The Road Ahead's company car. I named her this because although i am an experienced Senior Irlen Screener of sixteen years the business is a new venture. After running screening alongside working as a Teaching Assistant for twenty five years I have branched out solely to devote my time and energy to Irlen promotion and screening. She is my destiny and will get me to the "destination" in several senses of the word. Some of you will know that my driving confidence wasn't great and after several nudges from my associate diagnostician I now wear Irlen filters. This has made the much needed difference as I need to be mobile around the Kent area to visit schools, associations and businesses.

So in a similar vein "The Road Ahead" has been named from the heart too. Triple meaning for this one

1) The new start for those screened,more so if they continue to the Irlen filters.

2) My Road Ahead .. after personal and sad life change and circumstance the business has been borne.

My future.

3) The road ahead in the literal sense as many people are driving dangerously. My services lead to safer more confident driving. I have many feedback's on how people actually continued to drive knowing that they experienced the horrific distortions.

Just a small sample

"the white line would just disappear".

"I was next to blind at night and definitely suffered visual impairment with headlights approaching me, streetlights and strong sunlight".

"When I approach cars in front of me it does not look like a motion which happens smoothly and gradually, but rather it looks more like a motion projector with several missing segments in the film strip thus creating a choppy sense of motion and lessening or expanding distance between me and the car in front of me. Sort of like a jumpy effect. Sometimes I would notice that when it is bright and sunny that this would make it very difficult for me to be able to accurately judge distance between myself and other cars ahead of me. As I would approach cars ahead of my it would seems as if they went from being 200 feet away to about 20 feet away in a matter of less than second and I had no explanation for how this could have happened.Some of the problems I experienced at night time was being able to see roads accurately and knowing where the turns and curves in the road were. Winter conditions presented extra problems at night time because my vision seems to become more tunneled and roads where concealed by the snow so that made it even harder for me to judge where the roads where going. During the summer season at daytime I was usually in much better shape as far as visibility however the tunneled vision caused a lot of problems for me especially when I was trying to make turns or lane changes because it was very difficult for me to see what was around me with limited visual awareness".

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