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~Solve the Puzzle~

Look at the picture a line at a time, does anything pop into your head?

A song popped into mine this morning and I thought it was very relevant and tied in with the work I do as an Irlen screener in Kent (sixteen years experience).

GOT IT YET? (It's an old musical classic)


The pictures in the title symbolise to me a song called a "Doe a deer" by Rodgers and Hammerstein (1959) sung by Julie Andrews in "The Sound of Music", apologies to those not as ancient as me, this was a childhood favourite of mine. You may like to listen to it!

Well, let's get to the point. The lyrics in this song show that there is a sequence to how you start and progress towards achieving your goal. In this case learning to sing. Are you still with me?

Knowing the basics of singing or playing an instrument includes reading the music.

Irlen sufferers will tell you that this can be very difficult or impossible without using their Irlen overlays of Irlen filters because of the distortions occurring on the sheet music. The use of the correct colour overlay (or combination) can stop the music from merging into one, changing position, flashing or blurring. It can also prevent the onset of a migraine or headache, eye discomfort and many other symptoms. This would be very useful for music tutors to know as they could signpost their students towards for further details.

I screened a lady who used a green overlay, this she found this invaluable. It enabled her to follow the individual notes and to keep up with the other members in the band. Sometimes luckily she was supplied with a copy of the sheet music on coloured paper.

She continued further onto the diagnostician and now wears Irlen filters which give far more benefit.

The ability and joy of reading

"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start"

First comes the ability to physically see the words (opticians appointments having taken place first) and read what has been written.

The Irlen method allows all children and adults to have the same level playing field.

What if the print is jumping up and down, coming off the page, flashing blurring or even all of these at once? Would you persevere or would you give up? This would depend maybe on your determination, desire and need to actually read and understand what is being read. Many have no choice but to give up, as the physical symptoms experienced overwhelm and shut off the ability to continue the function.

Once the print can be seen the actual mechanics of sounding out and blending the words can begin, then on to sentences expression and the understanding and retention of the text.

The Magic can begin. For some its part of the puzzle as it co-exists with ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, hypermobility, Ethlers Danlos, depression, fibromyalgia and much more but for MANY it is the solution.

I have seen many life changes which have started with the Irlen screening.

Please research and book an appointment. there are Irlen centres around the world.

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