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Blue Monday not for me. It's the blue that filters, to allow me to see!

Blue "my little helper"

Blue Monday the day traditionally when everyone is glum, festivities have finished for those who celebrate, and the New Year have passed. Eeekkk and the bank balance is screaming "feed me, feed me".

Blue for someone with Irlen

The Irlen screening can open a whole new world. An Irlen sufferer can discover at this point that words do not have to swirl all over the page of flash or blur. Realisation can hit that they had no idea whatsoever that this was even happening for them. The eyes can become comfortable and the head at peace.

I have had many people cry at the screening, amongst them adults being tested realising that they are not a freak after all, parents who have witnessed their child suddenly reading fluently for the first time.

The colour needed is exclusive to the person. Irlen overlays can produce many combinations each one changing and improving the way the page is perceived. Additionally coloured paper can greatly improve the handwriting and the eyestrain.

Irlen filters will open a whole new world of depth perception. In the last few days children with the visiting diagnostician here have seen bridges for the first time discovered chalk paths on hills. Been hit with the huge surprise that those wiggly lines are in fact straight lines of handwriting. Blue quite possibly won't be the colour they need and the filters will not be the same as the overlay anyway if that was the most efficient colour at screening.

But one thing is absolutely for sure, Irlen diagnosis will not cause anyone to be blue but tickled pink!

N.B (Irlen filters are only obtained from qualified irlen diagnosticians )

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