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National Teacher’s Day - 9th May

Teachers (and teaching assistants too) do an incredible job!

There are so many pressures to “perform” well for league tables, data production etc. it must be hard, I am sure juggling the balance, when wanting to keep focused on the real job THE CHILDREN.

The reward of being a teacher is immense.

The little moments, those touch the heart phrases, “out of the mouth of babes” sentences totally and utterly priceless.

Looking outside the box.

A lot of the school funding can be earmarked straight away for Educational psychologists, speech therapists, counselling, specialist teaching services etc. Let’s look at the picture as a holistic one

WHAT IF 15-18% of the population had a visual perceptual dysfunction?

What if this could affect speech, behaviour, concentration, and academic ability?

What if many children would have a much better school attendance rate?

MMMMM are we thinking now?

What if some of the budget was spent on occupational therapy for example was wasted as no matter how they tried the child could not complete the spot the difference or complete the picture task. They could not walk on a line on the playground or do buttons or bows.

Believe me I have seen this scenario …….. and lo! Following my screening then further assessment with the diagnostician the Irlen filters were the answer to her problems. The child could now see the buttons and button holes. She could now walk on a line now able to judge the distance.

What if with the correct screening and further assessment all or most of the difficulty could be addressed?

I have screened many children during my 17 years as an Irlen screener who have experienced amazing life changes. This lad for one. He has gone from mainly unaware of what was happening in his life to a green belt in Karate. From a very dependant child to a confident happy lad.

What if many children would thrive because of a much better school attendance rate following the correct Irlen syndrome diagnosis and treatment?

Mmmmm are we thinking now?

What if the huge pot of money spent on an occupational therapist was wasted as no matter how they tried the child could not complete the spot the difference or complete the picture task . They could not walk on a line on the playground or do buttons or bows.

Believe me I have seen this scenario …….. and lo! Following my screening then further assessment with the diagnostician the Irlen filters were the answer to her problems. The child could now see the buttons and button holes. She could now walk on a line that she now not only saw, but could judge the distance of. (I still have her feedback today) e-mail me if you would like to read it.

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